Bright wishes to you all from late-summer Berlin. Hoping this finds you well and in balance or well on your way seeking balance wherever you may be.

Performance Announcement

Fluid Resilience adaptation for Tanznacht 2023

September 8th-9th 2023 there will be a 25hr dance performance version of Tanznacht in Uferstudios, Berlin. It is their 25th anniversary of this event and have invited 80 dance artists to participate.

Sigal Zouk and I will perform scores from Fluid Resilience, our performance time is September 9th at 16:30 and last for about 70 minutes.

One can get a ticket for the whole Tanznacht and come and go throughout. Please have a look at their online program to have a sense of the breadth and scope of this performance as well as the incredible lineup of of performers.

I am grateful to be included in this iteration, to share a space with Sigal Zouk in Fluid Resilience, and to feel so much a part of the Berlin dance community. Hope to see you there.

Tanznacht 25 Tanzfabrik Berlin

Mentoring/ Facilitation 

Jared Gradinger

I have been deeply inspired by the work of dear artist colleague and friend Jared Gradinger. We have known one another for a long time, and came closer together in 2012 when his artistic research brought him into deeper relationships with Nature.
From my own practices working co-creatively Nature, and meeting his, we've engaged in many forms of exchange; through dialogue, garden building, dance making, and dance explorations. We’ve worked together in various capacities with a common wish to deepen and expand what excites us about honouring Nature as a teacher, and how to creates ways to listen to Nature and expand co-creative relationships.

For most of this year we have been working through a creative facilitation, and creative mentorship process. I love being able to utilize my pedagogical practices to support his. It often feels like a rare and wonderful gift to work with an ally, and with such dedication to artistic practice and Nature. I find our way of working together both powerful and inspiring.

As we globally move into more complex imbalances in social-ecological systems, I feel moved by the possibilities to bring this into our art practices and to share broadly with others.

Jared Gradinger

Ailish Claffey


In November, 2023 I have another opportunity to work with Irish dance artist Ailish Claffey. This time funded by the Irish Arts Council’s Agility Award which “..aims to support individual professional freelance artists and arts workers at any stage in their careers. “ Dance Ireland is also supporting this work via a two-week residency from November 13th-24th.

In this facilitation with Ailish we will sort and expand upon on a collection of seed ideas she has for choreographic projects. Her art practice is fascinating, wise yet wonderful, drawing on her experience working with diverse communities on dance for health and a full choreographic repetoire. She's inspired by movement invention, true human-relationships, narrative, health, and Nature.

Ailish has a group of collaborators she’s gathering for experimentation and implementation of new choreographic scores. I have so much respect for her work and also her contagious zest for life and art and health. In the plan is to share something at the end of our working time, for those of you in Dublin stay in touch.


In partnership with this project at Dance House I will be offering Morning classes in my practices Novemebr 13th-17th, 2023

Dance House Classes

Tanzpraxis Stipenduim

Well into this wonderfully afforded project from the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Since receiving the Tanzpraxis Stipendium in 2022, I have been working towards cataloguing my teaching and dance/ movement practices Dynamic Expansion/Moveable Cinema.
I have also been enabled to create larger amounts of time to research movement practices outside of a teaching context. I have had studio dates with other dance artists to engage together in my proposals. In the process of developing an audio-guided movement series. And beginging work towards a new choreographic project. This is a rich period of time I value and am grateful for.

HIVE farº Nyon June 12-17, 2023

farº festival director Anne-Christine Liske who is steering a year+ project PERMACULTURE: a Perma-culture Artistic Experiment as “An attempt to integrate a permaculture practice into the ecosystem of the performing arts”.

This HIVE was an excellent and inspiring experience. The collaborative creative meeting of research with artists, dancers, choreographers, scientists and Nature was a rich and astute process. In a lot of permaculture practices the soil is a primary starting point for building a sustainable and thriving space for urban or country agriculture. In this sense, we laid the ground for individual and collaborative new creative, research and project ideas. Thank-you farº for hosting and facilitating this.

We were: Robbie L’Anson Price, Laura Galliard, Eileen Wiley, Chris Launenberger, Marion Baeriswyl & David Castro Pita, Amaranta Fontcuberta, Anne-Laure Franchette, Leila Chakroun, and the team from farº.

Speacial thank you to Sophie Tschachtli.

farº Nyon Perma-culture

M2ACT perma-culture


In Search of a Cultural Manager

Looking for a Cultural Manager to work together with me for my dance productions. 

Specifically one
*would need to be bilingual German-English
*has an interest and experience in contemporary Dance and Nature/Ecology
*has an openness to the evolving work around where dance and health intersect
*is able to assist with a International tour Fluid Resilience in 2024
*is able to assist with co-writing and translating German <-> English and able to follow through with public support-funding systems Berlin, Germany and in Canada.
*can assist in Workshop administration, promotion and bookkeeping, (must be familiar with German Taxes, KSK etc.)

 Salary negotiable based on regular monthly less than part-time engagement and increased percentage for touring and promotion.

Please send a letter of interest to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Looking forward to hear from interested persons.

Website Update

We are in the process to update my website. In the upcoming version there will be clearer threads of information to follow artistic works, teaching schedules, and Craniosacral practice.
Coming soon!


In December, a 2-day full day workshop in Dynamic Expansion/Moveable Cinema. December 1st and 2nd, 2023 Details are being refined, as for now we are planning 10:30-16:00 We will work in the beautiful Eden Studios, Pankow Berlin. For those who wish to participate, or reserve a place please write: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Berlin Teaching Weekly Classes 

Special NOTE:

The Fluid Dynamics/Moveable Cinema Lab continues,
Due to a wonderful opportunity afforded by the Tanxpraxis Stipend from the Berlin Senat for Culture, I am on sabbatical from my regular weekly Wednesday classes at the Tanzfabrik Berlin until the new year. 

In place is a co-teaching research lab lead by practitioners who know and have embodied my work and are sharing their own unique ways of movement research with this material. Please join them if you know my practice and wish to have fresh perspectives.

Meet: Tarlie Lumby, Philipp Meyer, Iokasti Kyriaki Zografou Mantzakidou and Claudia Tomasi.




Since 2022 i am a practicing certified ELDOA Trainer, which is a unique and complex fascial stretching and strengthening technique. I am integrating this work into my private Craniosacral practice, and offering private and semi-private classes. Please contact me if you are interested This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

For brief information on ELDOA:

ELDOA Europe


Craniosacral/Expanded Consciousness sessions have many benefits for wellness including: deeply easing stress, deep rest for the nervous system, increased vitality, unwinding of unwanted habits, and increased general well-being. Craniosacral also has many benefits for Health (active definition of health: as "not a state but a search for equilibrium") including; improved eyesight/vision, reduced acute pain, rehabilitation in the neural field, learning disabilities, gross and fine motor problems, developmental delays, autism, headaches, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, stress disorders, trauma and neurological conditions.

My work with Craniosacral work is a hybrid practice which includes  working with expanded consciousness and with Nature. I work co-creatively with each client given one's individuality and needs. Please note that some themes and issues could find resolution in one session, some in three to four sessions and others over time.

Berlin Practice days Monday, Thursday and Fridays, occasional Saturays.
I am also continuing to practice long-distance sessions for those who wish. I have received very positive feedback and one of the beautiful benefits of these sessions is I am able to offer continuity for my international clients. Please be in touch if this mode of working interests you.

I continue to develop and exchange this work with my regular clients who inspire me all the time, and I am open to welcoming new clients as my schedule permits.



Public transport

U-Schlesisches Tor, 450m walking OR Bus 265 direction: S-Schöneweide, One Stop: Taborstr. or

S-Treptower Park, walking 1,3 km or Bus 265 direction: U-Stadtmitte/Krausenstr. Three Stops: Taborstr.

Session details

Session duration: 70- 90 minutes

Session fee 90€ 

Please send an e-mail for session inquiries:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Craniosacral Professional Develeopment sessions:

Sessions in this hands-on non-invasive healing practice last 90 minutes, please dress comfortably, or bring a change of clothes. For example: training pants and a t-shirt with socks.

It is optimal when one's skin is covered for this work with simple clothing for example: not too many shoulder straps, no hoodies please, fancy zippers, thick jeans etc.

Please note: Cancellations made before 24 hours notice will not be charged. Thank you for your understanding.

Termine nur nach Vereinbarung

Terminverhinderungen: 24-Stunden-Regel
Vereinbarte Termine sind verbindlich und kostenpflichtig, falls keine rechtzeitige Absage erfolgt.
Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Verständnis

Thanking always my love-life partner Jürgen Török and his work to support many aspects of the manifestations of what i am able to offer. Also my mentors: my deepest gratitude to Joanna McIntyre for her mentorship in creative work and my creative-healing practices, and to Robert Harris master Craniosacral teacher. 

Wishing you very well.
As always, grateful for your support,


Shannon Cooney, Neue Krugallee 50
12435 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0)151 504 26 223
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