
Hoping this finds you well and that you are enjoying a bountiful autumn.

Save the Date!: November 7,8,9 at 19:30 and 10th at 18:00, 2013
Production premiere of: every one everyone
Tanzfabrik Herbst Festival, Berlin

Since May I have been working through research, development and creation of every one everyone. It's been a rich, wild and generous time. Through the exchange with my collaborators, on my own and with all of the volunteers who came to the studio meetings/test audience experiments in Berlin, Vienna, Dublin and Ottawa where I had workshops or residencies. Each of these interactions and exchanges has informed, shaped and created the work. For this performance we will have a room of people both performers and spectators, in a process of accumulation and diminution, engaging in the action of swaying/rocking. It is quite something to witness and experience, I do hope you can join.

every one everyone, a performance in proximity
Shannon Cooney, concept, choreography, performance, design.
Marla Hlady, artistic advisor
Igor Dobricic dramaturge
Sandra Blatterer, light, design
Anke Eckardt, sound, design
Heather MacCrimmon, costume
Ky Lloyd, Production/Project Manager
Barbara Gstaltmayr, Gastspiele

'every one everyone is a performance in proximity. It is a hybrid dance performance where live choreography is taking place and audience members are invited to engage in the work either by viewing or participating. It seeks to amplify sensation and person-to-person connectivity via the pulsation of the cerebrospinal fluid and its empathetic rhythmic effect in people.
every one everyone ist eine Performance aus allernächster Nähe. Diese Tanzperformance verbindet Live-Choreografie mit der Aufforderung an das Publikum, sich an der Arbeit durch Zuschauen oder Mitwirken zu beteiligen. Sinneseindrücke und die uns angeborene Verbundenheit zu anderen Menschen werden über den Cranio-Sacral-Rhythmus und seine emphatische Wirkung auf Menschen verstärkt.'

Tanzfabrik Berlin Herbst Festival
Uferstudios, Studio 5
Uferstraße 8/23
D-13557 Berlin

Funded by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds, The Canada Council for the Arts, with Co-Operation partner Tanzfabrik Berlin, and support from Dance House, Dance Ireland, and the Ottawa Dance Directive, Canada.

There are two teaching/mentoring projects in Dynamic Expansion. First this winter, Paula Montecinos comes from Chile funded by the Scholarships and Internships Fondart Project. We met in a workshop in 2009 and I will mentor her in the development of her own somatic teaching practice. And, in the winter or early spring Robert Kingsbury of Canada, who has been engaged in my teaching practice since 2011, comes to work together to develop his practice funded by the Chalmers Professional Development Grant.

HZT BA dance in Berlin, I continue to engage in mentoring and coaching for dancers of this university program, which is so varied and rich.

Upcoming workshops

Workshops in Dynamic Expansion


Cihangir Yoga

November 30 and December 1, 2013

Also offering craniosacral sessions at the Yoga Center while there.

Teaching: Contemporary Dance/Dynamic Expansion

Schedule Alert

Please Note! There are only 2 more Monday classes at Kreuzberg Yoga, and then there will be a pause until the 13.07.2013

Please Note! Tanzfabrik regular classes will switch to Wednesday mornings from 12.06-03.07.2013.

Regular Berlin Classes

Monday mornings 

10:00-11:30, 10 €

Thursday mornings (9:30-11:30) in Tanzfabrik Berlin, Möckernstr. 68, Kreuzberg

Go to the Tanzfabrik website for information


Schedule alert!
Dear Berlin Clients, I will be booking session again from 18.02.13 in the Kreuzberg Yoga studio following a two week pause beginning 01.02.13.

Dear Toronto Craniosacral clients, I am happily coming to Toronto, in the first two weeks in February. If you are intereste in a session please book in advance.
Monday 4th and 11th, February. Sessions are downtown at the Cranial Therapy Centre, 19 Duncan St., Ste.501

Thursday and Friday the 7th and 8th are east end sessions
At the Healing Studio of Joanna McIntyre
815 Carlaw Ave just north of Broadview.

Sessions last 90mins, 75$, please remember to bring or wear comfortable clothing.
All bookings and confirmations please do via email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Craniosacral sessions have many benefits for wellness including: deeply easing stress, deep rest for the nervous system, increased vitality, unwinding of unwanted habits, and increased general well-being. Craniosacral also has many benefits for Health including; improved eyesight/vision, reduced acute pain, rehabilitation in the neural field, learning disabilities, gross and fine motor problems, developmental delays, autism, headaches, tinnitus, TMJ syndrome, stress disorders, trauma and neurological conditions.

Berlin Practice days are Mondays and Fridays (with exceptions) starting again 18.02.13

The practice is in the Kreuzberg Yoga studio,
Kreuzberg Yoga
Lübbener Straße 9
10997 Berlin

Session lasts 90 minutes. Session fee from 60 Euros.

Call or send an e-mail for sessions:

+49 (0)3053028030
+49 (0)15150426223, or SMS,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Craniosacral sessions:

Sessions in this hands-on healing practice last 90 minutes, please dress comfortably. Session fee from 60 Euros.

Please note: cancellations made before 24 hours notice will not be charged.

Public transport:
U - Schlesisches Tor plus 5 minute walk to Lübbener Straße 9