Performances The Nature or US (2019)

Concept and Choreography: Angela Schubot und Jared Gradinger

in co-creation with Nature

Von & mit: Comfrey, Andreea David, Fern, Geranie, Goldrute, Jared Gradinger, Chestnut, Clover, Lavender, Roberto Martínez, Moss, Andrius Mulokas, Liz Rosenfeld, Datura, Anouk Thériault, White Sage and others

Light Garden: Annegret Schalke

Sound Garden: Stefan Rusconi

Costume: Claudia Hill

Costume Assistants: Diane Esnault, Emilia Patrignani 

Artistic Collaborator: Sigal Zouk

Coaching: Shannon Cooney

Assistant: Sofia Fantuzzi

Photo: Rachel de Joode

Presse, Production: björn & björn
Produced by Angela Schubot and Jared Gradinger. Co-production HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Ponderosa, and Nature.

Supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds

the Nature of Us