
Hoping this finds you well and basking in summers’ glory.



Please note: I will be on a Summer Retreat /Break from 15.07-20.08.2018. Please understand that I will not have Internet access during this period. If its urgent to reach me please send a text message. Other then that wishing you all will have a moment or several moments, to take in summer’s bliss.


Fielding/Solo with Sound Cases
Curated by Ingo Reulecke a solo version of Fielding was performed in Berlin on the 13th of June at The Somatische Akademie,  with Marla Hlady’s “Case For Sound” sound objects, and sound by Marla Hlady and Eric Chenaux. I love perfomring this work with sound elements alongside practice of Moveable Cinema. We are finding ways to present this work again, and will be posting a video except soon. 

Upcoming TANZNACHT Berlin: A Piece You Remember to Tell - A Piece You Tell to Remember

Invited by Peter Stamer and Silke Bake to be pert of this performance project, I will join them and their team of collaborators for a version of this work made for Tanznacht Berlin, August 27th, 2018.


This work has been performed in the Tanzkongress 2016, and in Tanzquartier Wien 2017. Peter Stamer and Silke Bake subtitle the work as: A History-Telling Project. They create a space that weaves dance with narration, relying on memory and depiction to articulate a performance experienced which questions and expands the experience of being audience.

A Piece You Remember to Tell

Diego Agulló Interview
In June, I was invited to an interview with Diego Agulló; a Berlin Artist and Choreographer who has been experimenting with a practice of interviewing artists in Berlin working in the field of dance. We found some common points of interest in our individual research. This practice is documented by Diego and he approaches this as an experiment.
See it here if you are interested:

Diego Agulló video interview

8Days VII Canada. June 19-26th, 2018
The above photo is from the Tablelands, Gros Morne Park, Woody Point Newfoundland. These rocks are from a 500 million year-old ocean floor formerly the Earth’s Mantle, pushed up through plate tectonics, and eroded through time and glaciation. They are a few kilometres from the town of Woody Point where 26 Canadian choreographers met from the 19th to the 16th of June for a co-authored gathering called 8Days.

8Days is an intensive and fulfilling group attempt to create space for choreographic exchange, honouring inclusion, intergenerational openness that is managed and executed by the participating artists. It’s demanding in its rigor on several levels and generates a cross-country and cross-continental (for some of us living off-shore) opportunity for dialogue and discourse as well as artistic and resource exchange.
One of our shared choreographic practices took place in the Tablelands; Sarah Joy-Stoker’s proposal was for us to walk toward the Bowl, and then begin to stretch out from one another with the task to see and be seen from the farthest point in your field of view in front of you as well as behind you; a seemingly simple but unexpectedly rich experience. Somewhere in the centre of this photo one can see my beacons.
If you are a Canadian choreographer interested in this kind of meeting and exchange, stay tuned for the call for 2019 which comes out around the beginning of the year or simply get in touch.

Upcoming Workshops:


Awakening and Riding Craniosacral Rhythms
A Weekend of Discovery and Exploring Craniosacral Movement and Dance

Join longtime friends, Berlin-based Canadian dancer, choreographer, instructor and  Craniosacral practitioner Shannon Cooney, and Toronto-based master teacher and craniosacral practitioner, Robert Harris, as they share their decades of teaching expertise and experience to bring forth this exploratory dance and movement workshop.

The weekend will provide rewarding experiences as these two gifted instructors lead and interweave participants through various exercises to open new realms of sensing, perception and creativity.

● Become aware of your deep inner core, your craniosacral rhythm, its fluid tides and the effects on consciousness and freedom

● Awakening perception to subtle and potent felt sensations and movements, providing freedom and expression to inner and outer worlds

● Witness your sensory realms expand and deepen, gaining new abilities to perceive, feel and enrich consciously your experiences.

● Experience craniosacral rhythm dynamics and the hands-on facilitations for slack and stillness, movement and rhythms

● Gain unique access to your inner self with an enhanced ability to let go of restrictive tensions while integrating the experience of shifts in you perception

● Experience heightened senses and an increased ability to witness and enjoy new found inspirations, creativity and expression

Date: September 29 & 30, 2018
Time: 10:00am-4:30pm

Location: Riverdale Hub, 1326 Gerrard St. E., 3rd floor
Toronto, Ontario
Cost: 300$ CDN+hst

Workshop Registration Cranial Therapy Centre Toronto